Saturday, October 8, 2011
7 Days Until The Marathon
Even though I ran this marathon last year, there are still some nerves there, mostly because I know and remember how difficult the second half was, but I am certain that the nervousness will go away as soon as I start running and the adrenaline kicks in.
I am also a little scared, mainly because I am running this marathon by "myself," and I put myself in quotation marks because you are hardly ever completely by yourself during a marathon. You are probably asking yourself, "What does she mean she is running this by herself? I thought Rob was running it too?!" Well, that was the plan, and as we all know, plans change. Unfortunately, Rob had to defer his race entry until 2012, due to an injury. He hurt his hip/leg and it sidelined him from training and is not completely healed yet. He isn't even sure exactly what is wrong yet and is still trying to get that figured out. So, until it is completely running, hence, no marathon! Despite the injury, he has been my number one supporter and even went with me for my long runs. He would sit in the car and wait for me! Even though he wasn't running with me, it was nice to know that he was still there with me and would be there with me when I finished those long runs. So, a little scared, but I know he will be there along the route and at the finish line cheering me on! That is going to be the best part about him not running with me! I will actually know someone that is out there cheering for me! Regardless, the Baltimore cheering crowd is AMAZING!
Excited, truly does not even begin to explain how I really feel about the upcoming marathon! The more I think about it, the more excited I get. I know I have been training hard this year and am in much better shape for this marathon than I was for last years marathon. I am have my sights set on a new PR (personal record), but I also don't want to be disappointed. I truly feel that I am ready for this marathon, including those hills this year! I believe I can pace myself better, know what I am capable of doing, and know how to listen to my body.
We are going to the Expo on Thursday night, so I can pick up my race bib and marathon shirt. I am excited for the Expo this year as well, as it is bigger and better than ever. I have never seen so much running stuff in my life. I am going to sign up for a pace group (just like I did with the Half-Marathon in May), but right now, my biggest dilemma is which pace group to sign up with. I am torn between the 4:45 and 4:30 pace groups. I have been averaging around a 10 minute mile pace or better for my long runs 16 and 17 miles. I just know how hard of a course this is the second half and I don't want to go out too fast too soon. Ahhh...the life of a runner! Rob seems to think I am setting myself short if I only shoot for a 4:45 marathon, and the more I think about, the more I think he might be right. Regardless, how I feel that day will truly determine how good of a marathon I have, and I always want to make sure that I finish the 26.2 miles!
The week before the marathon is probably the hardest part for me because I have a million things running through my head, and with it being taper time, I have lots of time to think about them all! Still trying to decide what shorts and shirt I want to wear for the marathon as well! Should have that figured out tomorrow!
I can't wait for the marathon! I will post all my information and how you can track me while I run, if you want to do so, as soon as that information is made available to me! So stay tuned!
Thank you all for your continued support! I truly appreciate it! 7 days and counting....
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Larriland Farm
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Shrimp Scampi
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
What's For Dinner?
Can't Get Enough!
We Have We Been Up To?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Running Anniversary
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Homemade Chicken and Veggie Pizza
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Current Lifetime Stats
May's Running Statistics
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Frederick Half-Marathon and Nut Job Challenge
We ran our first half-marathon on May 7th, 2011 in Frederick, MD. I has been a while since we ran, and I have been wanting to post a blog about it, but it seems like every time I sat down to start writing it, I just didn't know what to write. So here goes nothing!
Unlike when we ran the marathon in Baltimore, I did not carry my camera while I ran, and for a couple of reasons. 1) We were running this half-marathon separately, and 2) I was running with a specific time goal.
I had some people asking me what my goal was before I actually ran, and I was hesitant to say what it was because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to hit that goal. When I went and picked up our race packets I sign-up with one of the Geico Pace groups...the 1:55 pace group to be exact! When you sign-up, they give you a wrist band with the times for each mile that you can wear if you want, so I took one home with me. After looking that the wrist band, and seeing all those times and just how fast I would have to be running, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to pull off running a sub-2 hour half-marathon. The sub-2 hour half was my goal! So did I do it...keep reading!
YES! WOW! I DID IT! I didn't know if I was going to be able to push through and hit my goal! A huge thanks goes out to the 1:55 Geico Pacers and Ray J. (A fellow DailyMiler) who came up behind me around the 11 mile mark, I was able to get my sub-2 hour half-marathon. The support and encouragement really helped to push me through the hill at the end and push it to the finish line. Thank you, Ray J. for sticking with me to help me hit my goal. :)
My head started to get in the way around mile 4, as I wasn't sure if I could keep pace for the next 9.1 miles. Then, I stopped thinking about that and just ran. The crowd was pretty good and supportive as well. It was at this point that I realized I was also ahead of the Geico pacers, I has actually gotten ahead of them around the mile 3 water stop. I wasn't too worried about being a head of them because according to my Garmin and the wristband, I was right on pace. I knew I would probably slow down a little later in the race and wanted to just keep going while I was feeling pretty good.
I felt pretty good until about mile 10 and that was where I started to slow down a little bit. The hill around there really got to me and the sun was very hot at this point in the race! Thankfully, there was a nice breeze every now and then, and it always seemed to come right when I needed it.
When I hit the 11 mile mark my legs were hurting, but I knew I just needed to keep going. I couldn't stop now! I was SO close! I was really glad to see the Geico Pacers and Ray J., as I don't think I would have been able to do it without them. They gave me just that little bit extra that I needed to finish. If it wasn't for them, I know I wouldn't have hit my sub-2 hour goal! Ray J. kept telling me, "You got this!" Although, I wasn't as sure about it as he was! :) I finished pretty strong, of course, not as strong as I would have liked. I remember turning the corner and seeing the last hill before the race to the finish line. I wasn't sure if this hill was going to be the end of my goal, or, if I would be able to push through it and finish what I set out to do. At one point, I do remember telling Ray J. "I don't know how much I have left." I guess it was enough because I pushed through that final hill, gave a little boy a high 5 on my way up it, (which I later found out was another fellow DailyMiler's little boy! How cool is that?!), that put a huge smile on my face, and knew that this race was mine! I WAS going to get that sub-2 hour half! And I did! Not only was it a sub-2 hour, but I cleared that 2 hour mark by 5 whole minutes! 1:55:31 was my official chip time!
Me crossing the finish line! I love this photo! And Ray J. is on the far right side in blue!
I am super proud of myself and so thankful to my husband, Rob, who let me run this race, so I could try for my goal. I have to admit though, it was really weird not running with him, and thought about him while I was running as well.
Rob running the half! He obviously saw the photographers!
It was so crowded at the end that I didn't even get to see him finish! :( But, he did! He ran a great race as well! 2:16:16! So proud of you, baby!
Rob crossing the finish line!
Before the race started, we met up with some fellow DailyMilers (luckily some of them had a camera)--- Heather R., Achillex aka Ernie, Michael C., and Patty E. It was so nice to finally meet some DM'ers. Thank you all so much for the support! It is greatly appreciated!
From left to right: Rob, Me, Patty, Michael, Heather, and Ernie.
Oh, and my back was not a problem at all during the half-marathon! But, my legs were sure giving me what for afterwards :) A little back pain after the half-marathon and before the 5K, but not too bad! All that rest definitely was the right thing, even though it was very difficult!
Now, that is a GREAT way to start your 30's!
Here are my official stats for the half-marathon:
Clock time: 1:56:05
Chip time: 1:55:31
Overall: 1009/3864
Female Place: 302/2076
Division Place: 60/322
8 Mile Rank:1022
8 Mile Time: 1:09:32
Total Pace: 8:49
5K/Nut Job Challenge
As I said before...we also ran a 5K the same day and only a couple of hours apart!
What was I thinking?! Ha, ha! Definitely NOT my best 5K time, but I just didn't have a lot left after running my best (and first) half-marathon ever! I was not feeling very good about 15 minutes before the start either, and Rob wasn't going to let me run it. But, I promised a run/walk just so we could finish it. We were standing in the sun waiting to line up and the heat really got to me. I got very dizzy, eye sight was blurry, and my ears were ringing. I went to the shade, sat down, and drank some water for about 10 minutes until we were ready to start. I felt fine by the start of the race, except for my legs, but it was definitely very scary!
It was the hardest and longest 3.1 miles of my life. My legs hurt and were cramping, which made it very difficult to run. I don't think the 2-1/2 hours in between the half and the 5K helped either.
But, Rob and I finished it...he would have totally kicked my butt in the 5K today, but he was so sweet to stay with me and finish it out. I believe we probably walked close to half the race and only ended up about 10-1/2 minutes slower than I would have liked. Not too bad considering the circumstances!
Official 5K stats:
Clock Time: 42:04
Chip Time : 40:32
Overall Place: 774 / 985
Gender Place: 436 / 601
Division Place: 72 / 95
Total Pace: 13:05
Here are my totals for both the Half and 5K:
Finished 28th (even with that horrible 5K time) for the female finishers! I guess I will take it!
Series Total: 2:36:03.80
Other race photos:
Monday, May 2, 2011
Nature Walk
Wow! This Is Inspiring!
Frederick Half-Marathon in 5 Days!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Still Running
I figured today, May 1st, 2011, would be a good day to finally write another running blog. Even though I haven’t written a running blog since January 31st, 2011, Rob and I have been doing a lot of running and training. Wow! Since I haven’t blogged in awhile, I am not even really sure where to start. I guess I will start with a review of the past 3 months.
In February, we continued with running, but not really with any set amount of miles. I tried to run at least 5 miles a day, but, of course, I didn’t run every single day. On February 28th, we actually started our training for the half-marathon in May. The month of February statistics are as follows: 96 total miles running, average pace 10:00, 51 total miles walking, average pace 15:11, total calories burned – 22,039!
March began a full month of training for the half-marathon in May. Due to the training the total number of miles for the month of March is a little lower, since we were following a training plan. When training for a half-marathon or a marathon, it is very important to follow a training plan. A training plan gives you a guideline for the total number of miles you should run each week, which makes it so you don’t over train. Our training runs this month went very well. When the weather would cooperate, we would do our runs outside, but there were many times when our runs had to be done inside on the treadmill. We finally broke down and bought a treadmill at the beginning of February, and I am so glad that we did. It has definitely made our training much easier during this rainy and stormy spring. March’s final statistics are as follows: 89 total miles running, average pace 9:33, 51 total miles walking, average pace 16:07, total calories burned – 18,172!
April turned out to be a pretty good training month as well. We were able to get outside a little bit more for our runs, which definitely makes the runs a lot more interesting. For some reason, I find running on the treadmill to be more difficult, even if I am running at the same pace or sometimes even slower. I really think that running on the treadmill had helped my overall running. I have seen a big increase in my pace during my outside runs, and the ease at which I am doing the runs. April’s final statistics are as follows: 112 total miles running, average 10:02 pace, 53 total miles walking, average pace 17:17, total calories burned – 20, 342!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sometimes A Bad Run Can Turn Into A Great Run
Okay, so this run did not start out exactly as I had planned or hoped for, however, I am SO glad that I continued with this run. Let me explain...
I decided to just go outside and run today because I didn't feel like driving to the gym to get on a treadmill for my run, plus I wanted to be able to get some good miles in, and being at the gym on a treadmill it is really hard to stay on a treadmill for that long. So, I bundled up, since it was only in the low to mid-30’s, and headed out for some fresh air a good run. I really wanted to run outside because the weather is supposed to get bad again, possibly starting late tonight and lasting through Wednesday, and I knew if we get the ice that they are calling for that I will not be running outside or at the gym. So…out the door I went.
The temperature was actually really good and I wasn’t too cold even at the start. I figured that I would just run 2 or 3 of the bigger laps around the block and call it good, as that should give me at least 7 miles or so. Well, after the first mile I knew that was not going to happen. The run started out all right, as I was running on the road, which was nice and clear (for the most part). Then right before the 1-mile mark, I usually get back on the sidewalk because it is a much busier road, and the road actually has a sidewalk. Not today! The first part of the sidewalk was clear, but then the rest was a mess. It was so bad that I had to stop running and walk to the end of the sidewalk, which luckily was only a couple hundred feet or so, but I was upset. Then I looked down at my watch to see where I was at for about the first mile and it said 11 minutes!! I couldn’t believe it. Had it really taken me 11 minutes to run 1 mile? For me, this is really slow, so I was really upset now. Why was it taking me so long today? At this point I was also walking, which wasn’t making it any better, and I honestly, thought about just stopping the run right then and there and just walking the rest of the way home!
But, I didn’t! Instead, I just turned up the next street (running on the road) and then branched off onto the next side street, which would take me back to the other road I was just on. I was like, “Okay, how can I make this run work?” Then it came to me, “Just run on the side streets!” So, that is what I did! Most of the side streets in the neighborhood don’t have sidewalks, so I didn’t have to worry about the ice and snow on them, and being side streets I feel much safer running on the road.
Now that I was just running on the side streets, I had NO idea how far I had gone, as the only mile marker I actually knew at this point was mile 1. I didn’t know how I was going to manage to get some good miles in with a limited running area. Then it hit me the second time down the original route I had planned. I would run up and down every side street that connected to that street, as well as, every side street that connected to my street. Luckily there were only side streets on one side of both of these streets! :) I figured this would not only help to get some miles in, but also make it so the run wouldn’t be so boring. I hate running the same street a bunch of times to get the miles in.
It worked! I got some major miles! Definitely more than I was planning on running today. I was going to be happy with 7 miles today, but I guess I have to be happy with 9.6 miles, since that is what I ended up running. I figured if I ran for an hour and a half, and remember, my first mile was around 11 minutes, so this is what I was going off of, should be pretty good. I didn’t figure out my miles until just a few minutes ago, when I mapped the whole run out!
I am SO happy with how this run turned out! I am happy with the miles I put in today. I felt pretty good throughout the run. And am so glad I didn’t just walk back home. I ended up with a nice pace for that distance and had a really good run. I definitely feel like I got some good hill work in as well. This route was a lot hillier than my other routes, which only have a few hills. This route was a lot of up and down, which makes me even happier with the mileage and pace for today’s run!
Average heart rate for today’s run was 155, even with all the hills! :)
Distance climbed---424 feet!
Oh, and, I had to slow down and stop a few times to wait for cars and trucks because of the crap that was still on the roads. I still can’t believe how inconsiderate people are to runners! I hope I was never that way before I was a runner!
Moral for today’s run: A bad run can end up turning into a great run, so just keep running!
Great way to zap that ZERO, start the week off, and end the month of January!