Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What's For Dinner?

On Sunday, I found my calendar dry erase board and decided that I would use it to plan out our monthly dinners. The further we get into our training, the more time we spend running, so I wanted to at least know what we were going to be having for dinner. I don't want to get back from a run at 6 or 7 pm and have to figure out what to have for dinner. Along with planning it all out, I do my shopping for the week on Sunday or Monday, depending on what we are having on that particular Monday. By shopping for everything ahead of time, I can make up some of the meals earlier in the week or earlier in the day, so it will be ready to heat up and eat as soon as we get home and shower. It definitely makes the nights go so much smoother, and decreases the tendency to grab not so healthy food.

Here is what the month of August looks like:

I am hoping to post some of these healthy recipes throughout the month with pictures! I think I have posted a couple of the recipes on the menu in previous posts, so you can check them out, if you would like. I also put the page number, if it came from my cookout, so I would know exactly where to find that specific recipe.

Eating healthy doesn't have to take a lot of time, trust me! I don't like spending all of my time cooking. I would much rather be outside running! :) So, I try to make it as easy as possible, and so far this method seems to be working.

Check back often for updates and recipes!

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