Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Have I Mentioned That I LOVE Running?!

Best 3 mile run EVER! I gave this run everything I had, even in the cold and wind, and I am so happy that I did. This really gives me the confidence that I need for an actual 5K...I know still have .1 to go, but even if I do that in another minute I will be about where I want to be.

I really wanted to have negative splits for today's run, but I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do it because of the wind. The cold really doesn't bother me too much once I get going, but the wind in my face, and it always seems to be in my face no matter which way I turn, makes the run a little harder.

I was able to get my negative splits today and really pushed myself to another level with my running. :) Despite the push, I didn't feel too bad during the run, only when the wind was in my face. If you set your mind to something you can definitely achieve it. I never would have believed that I would be running 1 mile at this pace, let alone 3 miles. Here are my splits for today's run:

Mile 1: 9:15:16 (average HR 143)

Mile 2: 8:54:21 (average HR 161)

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to beat that for another negative split, since I have only ran 1 mile quicker than that before and that was on the treadmill last week (8:49).

Mile 3: 8:26:42 (average HR 167) a little higher than I would have liked, but this is where 2 of the hills were.

Total: 26:35:79 :)

Cool Down: 13:27:27 (average HR 119)

Total Time: 40 minutes

Great run! Hopefully it won't be so windy tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

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