Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lucky 7

Wednesday, November 3---7 miles

Today's run felt pretty good again! It was a little rough the first couple of miles, but then I found my groove and just went with it. I didn't know how far I was going to run today, as I just wanted to enjoy my run and not worry about how far I was going to go. After having a set marathon training schedule, it was kind of nice to just be able to go and run however far I wanted to!

I decided after about 5 miles that I was going to stop at 7 miles today. I don't know why I decided on 7 miles at that point, but just felt like 7 was a good number for today. I was running a decent pace again today, which makes me super happy. I never thought I would be able to run this far at this pace! Same pace as yesterday's 4 miles, with another 3 added on today. I felt good at this pace most of the time, except right on or after a hill, but heart rate came right back down easily and I was able to continue at this pace. Love it and this nice cool weather. 50 degrees for my run today!

I ran with music today, which I normally don't do, and actually would rather not run with music. I am not sure why, but I did all of my marathon training without music and prefer to run without. I just like running and not having to worry about anything...just running! :) I thought at times that the music was actually slowing me down because I was paying attention to that more than running. I like just being able to run and enjoy nature!

Here are my splits for today's run:

Mile 1: 10:13:11
Mile 2: 9:59:77
Mile 3: 9:15:75
Mile 4: 9:22:98
Mile 5: 9:50:81---darn hill!
Mile 6: 9:15:87
Mile 7: 8:54:20

Overall, great run and a new PR for 7 miles!

Thanks for reading!

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